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M Striz

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Philip, V. M., Sokoloff, G., Ackert-Bicknell, C. L., Striz, M., Branstetter, L., Beckmann, M. A., et al. (2011). Genetic analysis in the Collaborative Cross breeding population. Genome Research, 21(8), 1223-38.
Jiang, P., Striz, M., Wisor, J. P., & O'Hara, B. F. (2011). Behavioral and genetic dissection of a mouse model for advanced sleep phase syndrome. Sleep, 34(1), 39-48. (Original work published 2011)
Wisor, J. P., Jiang, P., Striz, M., & O'Hara, B. F. (2009). Effects of ramelteon and triazolam in a mouse genetic model of early morning awakenings. Brain Research, 1296, 46-55. (Original work published 2009)
Duncan, M. J., Smith, J. T., Franklin, K. M., Beckett, T. L., Murphy, M. P., St Clair, D. K., et al. (2012). Effects of aging and genotype on circadian rhythms, sleep, and clock gene expression in APPxPS1 knock-in mice, a model for Alzheimer's disease. Experimental Neurology, 236(2), 249-58.
Striz, M., & O'Hara, B. F. (2013). Clock genes and sleep homeostasis: a fundamental link within the two-process model?. Sleep, 36(3), 301-2. (Original work published 2013)
Rowe, R. K., Striz, M., Bachstetter, A. D., Van Eldik, L. J., Donohue, K. D., O'Hara, B. F., & Lifshitz, J. Diffuse brain injury induces acute post-traumatic sleep. Plos One, 9(1), e82507. (Original work published 2014)
Wisor, J. P., Striz, M., DeVoss, J., GM, M., Edgar, D. M., & O'Hara, B. F. (2007). A novel quantitative trait locus on mouse chromosome 18, "era1," modifies the entrainment of circadian rhythms. Sleep, 30(10), 1255-63.