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KF Allison

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, Connaboy, C. ., Nindl, B. ., & Allison, K. . (2018). Significantly Increased Odds of Reporting Previous Shoulder Injuries in Female Marines Based on Larger Magnitude Shoulder Rotator Bilateral Strength Differences. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 6(2), 2325967118756283.
Allison, K. ., Keenan, K. ., Wohleber, M. ., Perlsweig, K. ., Pletcher, E. ., Lovalekar, M. ., … Nindl, B. . (2017). Greater ankle strength, anaerobic and aerobic capacity, and agility predict Ground Combat Military Occupational School graduation in female Marines. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20 Suppl 4, S85-S90.
Nindl, B. ., Alemany, J. ., Rarick, K. ., , Darnell, M. ., Allison, K. ., & Harman, E. . (2017). Differential basal and exercise-induced IGF-I system responses to resistance vs. calisthenic-based military readiness training programs. Growth Hormone & IGF Research : Official Journal of the Growth Hormone Research Society and the International IGF Research Society, 32, 33-40.