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RW Furness

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Mills, J. ., Teplitsky, C. ., Arroyo, B. ., Charmantier, A. ., Becker, P. ., Birkhead, T. ., … Zedrosser, A. . (2015). Archiving Primary Data: Solutions for Long-Term Studies. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 30(10), 581-589.
Mills, J. ., Teplitsky, C. ., Arroyo, B. ., Charmantier, A. ., Becker, P. ., Birkhead, T. ., … Zedrosser, A. . (2016). Solutions for Archiving Data in Long-Term Studies: A Reply to Whitlock et al. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 31(2), 85-87.
Johnston, D. ., Furness, R. ., Robbins, A. ., Tyler, G. ., Taggart, M. ., & Masden, E. . (2018). Black guillemot ecology in relation to tidal stream energy generation: An evaluation of current knowledge and information gaps. Marine Environmental Research. (Original work published 2018)